How to Organize a Small Room on a Budget
Mycube Storage
June 17th, 2019

If you’re trying to figure out how to organize a small bedroom on a budget, these 12 ingenious tips and tricks will get you there in no time!
I like to have lots of baskets and shelves so that’s what I mostly added to my closet as that helped me coral my shoes, bags, and dozens of pairs of jeans.
As “custom” closet solutions go, these IKEA systems are pretty cheap too. You can add as much or as little as you need and completely tailor whether you have a small or large bedroom closet, or a small or large budget!
Organize your drawers with dividers
Fold your clothes vertically to maximize drawer space
Think outside of the box for nightstands and bedside lighting
Utilize the space under your bed
Utilize the space behind your door
Add shelves to the walls – when you don’t have floor space, think vertical!
Use basketsInstall a closet organization System
DIY additional closet shelving
Use felt hangers
If you don’t have a closet, make one
Think outside the box
I’ve never had the luxury of having a huge bedroom and even now, despite the 2,800 sq. ft home we live in, our master bedroom is on the small side and definitely lacking in the organizational department.
Of course, just because your Storage room is small, doesn’t mean there isn’t plenty of space to utilize in order to get organized. Sometimes you have to get a little creative and even more so when you need to do it on a budget. If you’re starting from scratch with a bedroom makeover, definitely take all of these storage ideas into consideration, too!
Don’t forget to sing and enjoy while packing your boxes!!
Here’s a fun self-storage video for you 🙂